Post-Holy Week: Holy Saturday
I was going to write a long thing about the Harrowing of Hell, but honestly I am tired. I'll just say that Christianity is so freaking mythic and weird, and I love it. My background is this non-denominational sexy marketing church for a culture that has a hard time with WONDER and MYSTERY. My culture pretends to be "utilitarian", but then celebrates spending $700 billion on a military big enough to destroy the world in the name of "defense". There is this impulse to explain away the weird stuff and make Christianity acceptable to "rational" thinking folks. This is supposedly so that more people will "accept Christ", but I think it has more to do with making Christians feel normal and blending in.
You know what my biggest takeaway from the Trump/COVID era is? The "rational" nature of most people is AT LEAST as crazy as believing a virgin conceived a normal human being who was also the WORD of the Living God. I am not feeling much of a desire to blend in with the culture I am surrounded by.
So I am leaning in to my quiet contemplative, mystic faith over here. And I am going to make some weird little comics about it.