Ordinary Time! (Year A)
After much soul searching, I have landed on Ordinary Time as an ongoing work of comics making, meditation, and prayer.
Ordinary Time is a three year project following the Catholic/Episcopal Lectionary calendar throughout Year A, B, and C. During the special weeks of the lectionary, there will be only one strip per week (Advent, Lent, Easter).
During Ordinary Time, there will be three strips per week. Ordinary Time in the church calendar is focused on the living out of the Gospel mystery of incarnation, death, and resurrection focused on during Advent, Lent, and Easter.
I have put a lot of work into this, and I am excited to bring it forward. I have been making comics like this since 2010 from a variety of motivations. I have built only a tiny audience for this work in that time, but I am satisfied in that. The labor itself is beautiful. Rather than attempting to sell something, I feel like I am making these comics for myself, and I am allowing others to see if they want.