Advent 1 (Year A)
This year, I begin a new series of contemplative comics led by the church calendar. In whole it is called "Ordinary Time". During the special times in the church calendar like Advent or Lent, I will produce a simple weekly strip.
During Ordinary Time in the church calendar, I will produce 3 full strips per week. As a former Southern Baptist turned non-denom guy, annually practicing Advent and Lent has led me down a road to a deeper practice of my faith. As an artist, they have led to a deeper level of making art which has become transformed into a spiritual practice of contemplation, reflection, confession, and gratitude. Making these comics this way has transformed my emotional and mental wellbeing.
My goal with Ordinary Time is to further deepen that practice with an eye of possibly helping others to develop it as well. I am doing the heaviest creation during the 34 weeks of Ordinary Time while using the special weeks as respite.