Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Never posted this before, but I’ve been thinking about Mt. Zion a lot lately. Beautiful people with a long history of faithfulness. I had never participated in something like this before. In my former church world, things like this were sort of outside the mission of the church or the gospel. I had started to question this kind of Evangelicalism and a faith that would ignore injustice among us and paint that as some kind of more holy way.
I’m really thankful to Brick City Church and Mt. Zion, and their pastors Brad and Dr. Murdough, for pointing me to a more kingdom minded theology and giving direction in my time of questioning.
“I am still committed to militant, powerful, massive, nonviolence as the most potent weapon in grappling with [racism] . . . But it is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots. It would be morally irresponsible for me to do that without, at the same time, condemning the
contingent, intolerable conditions that exist in our society. These conditions are the things that cause individuals to feel that they have no other alternative than to engage in violent rebellions to get
attention. I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it America has failed to hear? It has failed to hear that the plight of the Negro poor has worsened over the last 12 or 15 years. It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met . . . As long
as justice is postponed, we always stand on the verge of these darker nights of social disruption.”